The WebLab is an open source platform aiming at providing intelligence (business, strategic, military...) solutions and any other applications that need to process multimedia data (text, image, audio and video).
The WebLab is an open source platform aiming at providing intelligence (business, strategic, military...) solutions and any other applications that need to process multimedia data (text, image, audio and video). If one should resume the capabilities of the WebLab platform in few words, it is to provide an infrastructure to build complete chains that allow:
- Collection of data from open sources;
- Processing to extract information;
- Retrieval and navigation;
- Analysis and exploitation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 only
VCS repository(ies)
- type: git
url: https://gitlab.ow2.org/weblab
Issue tracker URL
Discussion channels
Project leader(s)
Yann Mombrun
Professional support
Professional case studies
- http://www.webcontent.fr/
- http://vitalas.ercim.org/
- http://weblab-project.org/index.php?title=Resources
RDF (Resource Description Framework) WSBPEL WSDL
The outcome of a couple of publicly funded research projects, WebLab was an innovative project when it joined the OW2 code base in August 2009. After generating several forks, WebLab is today maintained as a component within a defense and security solution deployed at one large European government agency.
Market Readiness Level
Project Market Readiness Level computed by OW2.
More on the definition and computation of Market Readiness Levels here.
Best Practices Implementation
Coverage of best practices in open source software development implemented by the project.
More on best practices and how they are collected here.
Project Profile
Computation of the project's profile through five key attributes defined by OW2.
More on how project attributes are commputed here.
MRL Assessment Diagram
This page lists the control points used in our assessment of the project's market readiness with their normalised values. It shows how they are combined to form the model. Please go to the methodology overview for more on the model and data collection.
Sources of Raw Data
Please use the links in this section for the raw data used in our MRL modeling.
- type: git
url: https://gitlab.ow2.org/weblab
Market Readiness Synthesis