
Engine versions

  • Node: 14.21.3
  • MongoDB: 4.4, 5.0, 6.0
  • Apps-Engine: 1.42.0-alpha.619

Minor Changes

  • (#31820) Added the ability for premium workspaces to hide Rocket.Chat's watermark as well as change the Livechat widget's logo

    The new settings (named below) can be found in the Omnichannel workspace settings within the livechat section.

    • Hide "powered by Rocket.Chat"
    • Livechat widget logo (svg, png, jpg)
  • (#31884) Deprecate insertOrUpdateUser Meteor method

  • (#31751) Added Livechat setting Hide system messages & API method setHiddenSystemMessages, to customize system message visibility within the widget.

  • (#31626) Freezes the permission table's first column allowing the user to visualize the permission name when scrolling horizontally

  • (#31772) Improved Livechat's theming capabilities

    Name (setTheme, initialize) Workspace setting Default value Description
    position Livechat widget position on the screen right Changes the widget position on the screen. Can be left or right
    background Livechat background N/A Changes the message list background. Accepts the same values as the CSS property background
    guestBubbleBackgroundColor N/A N/A Changes the guest's message bubble background color
    agentBubbleBackgroundColor N/A N/A Changes the agent's message bubble background color
    hideGuestAvatar N/A false Hides/shows the guest avatar
    hideAgentAvatar N/A true Hides/shows the agent avatar
  • (#32043) Added Livechat's new theming settings to Appearance page (available for Premium workspaces)

    Newly added settings are:

    • Livechat widget position on the screen: Changes the widget position between left or right of the viewport
    • Livechat background: Changes the message list background. Receives the same value as the CSS's background property.
    • Hide system messages: Changes the visibility of system messages displayed on the widget.
    • Hide "powered by Rocket.Chat": Changes the visibility of Rocket.Chat's watermark on the widget.
  • (#31679) Added a new formatter shortcut to add hyperlinks to a message

  • (#31473) feat: add a11y doc links

  • (#31572) feat: show date on message's scroll

  • (#31268) Added new Livechat trigger action "Send message (external service)"

  • (#31549) Introduces message navigability, allowing users to navigate on messages through keyboard

  • (#31538) Introduced new methods for Rocket.Chat Apps to interact with livechat: findOpenRoomsByAgentId and countOpenRoomsByAgentId

Patch Changes

  • (#31663) Fixes issue causing the setDepartment Livechat API overriding some triggers conditions

  • (#31745 by @Pritam-sd-dev) Fix room name updation on admin edit room flow.

  • (#31948 by @hardikbhatia777) Fixes an issue not allowing edit webhooks properly

  • (#31909) fix: Trigger IPostLivechatRoomStarted app event after inquiry is created. Previously, this event was fired after a room was created. This allowed to do some actions on rooms, but more elevated actions like transfering a room were not possible as at this point, an inquiry didn't exist.

  • (#31881) Fixed a problem that caused Business Hours feature (Multiple) to make bot agents not available when turning on the feature, and not making them available after that. Now, Business Hours will ignore Bot users, allowing admins to decide manually if a bot should be or not be active during a period of time

  • (#31720) Now we are considering channels with auto-join inside teams on user creation

  • (#31970) Fixed enterprise settings value not being updated when license is removed or invalid

    Added a license callbacks onRemoveLicense and onInvalidateLicense to update enterprise settings values when a license is removed/invalid.
    This solves a specific scenario where in case of a downgrade (license removal), settings.get would continue to return value for enterprise settings instead of invalidValue as it should.
    This would remain the case until the workspace was restarted.

  • (#31973 by @VipinDevelops) Fixed message composer command preview for text type

  • (#31713) Fixes an issue not allowing admin users to edit the room name

  • (#31790 by @tiran133) fix: Fixes SAML Role mapping of custom roles
    fixed: here #31830

  • (#31589) fixed an issue with the composer losing its edit state and highlighted after resizing the window.

  • (#31700) Fixed matrix homeserver domain setting not being visible in admin panel

  • (#31788) fixed some apps-engine bridges receiving data in a wrong format

  • (#31660) Fixed issue with quote attachments still being displayed within the message even after removing link

  • (#31759) Fix notifications specially for DMs when preference is set to mentions.

  • (#31583) Fixed login email verification flow when a user tries to join with username

  • (#31803) Fixed room owner specified on room import not being inserted as a room member or owner.

  • (#31662 by @SySagar) fix: Jump to message only works once

  • (#31475) This fix allows links such as ones starting with "notes://" and other specific apps to be rendered in the User panel as they are in the messages

  • (#31571) Fixed Mail dryrun sending email to all users

  • (#31883) fix: Corrected SVG image preview by setting correct format during thumbnail generation

  • (#31890) Changed logic that process custom fields from visitors when updating its data, making the process more reliable and faster.

  • (#31860) Fixed mentions not working when mentioned user changes username.

  • (#31723) fixed an issue with the user presence not updating automatically for other users.

  • (#31894) fixed a small issue that was causing the room layout to shift when loading apps messages

  • (#32019) Allowed upload of lst files

  • (#31753) Fixed an issue where the login button for Custom OAuth services would not work if any non-custom login service was also available

  • (#31983) Fix error on changing a discussion name

  • (#31666) Fixes an issue allowing only numbers, if trigger's condition is 'visitor time on site'

  • (#32012) Don't use the registration.yaml file to configure Matrix Federation anymore.

  • (#31651) Fixed auto-availability of reactivated livechat agents; they now stay 'Not Available' until manually set to 'Available'

  • (#32031) Fixes issue where the livechat offline form would render even when disabled

  • (#31703) Added reactions tooltip loader

  • (#31701) Fixed discussion names displaying as IDs in sidebar search results

  • (#31554 by @shivang-16) Fixed a bug on the rooms page's "Favorite" setting, which previously failed to designate selected rooms as favorites by default.

  • (#31844) Fixed Federation not working with Microservice deployments

  • (#31927) stopped lifecycle method was unexpectedly synchronous when using microservices, causing our code to create race conditions.

  • (#31880) fix: CRM integration mismatch on callback type vs code validation. Previously, callback was attempting to register a LivechatStarted event, however, our internal code was expecting a LivechatStart event, causing the hook to receive incomplete data

  • (#31600) Looking at the user's permission before rendering the 'Start Call' button on the UserInfo panel, so if the user does not have the permissions, the button does not show

  • (#31904) fix: Show always all rooms when requesting chat history, even unserved ones. A faulty condition caused an issue where chat history was only able to present either served or unserved chats at once, without a proper way to get both. Now, the Chat history feature will showcase all closed rooms for the requested visitor.

  • (#31896) fix: Validate rooms are not taken before processing by queue. This will prevent an issue that caused a room, that's on an invalid state, to be re-processed by the queue worker, assigning it again to another user despite being already assigned to one. This happens when a room's inquiry gets to an state where it desyncs from the room object. Room is taken & served while inquiry is still queued. This fix will also reconciliate both when something like this happens: whenever the queue picks a chat that's already taken, it will update it's inquiry object to reflect that and avoid processing again.

  • (#31823) Revert unintentional changes real time presence data payload

  • (#31604) Fixed an issue where the sync ldap avatars background process would never run

  • (#31621) Improved the layout of the 2FA modals and changed the email 2FA resend email anchor to a button.

  • (#32038) Added tag to premium settings in CE workspaces

    A premium tag will be displayed alongside the setting label for premium exclusive settings in CE workspaces.
    This will bring visibility for users of our premium features while also informing them of the reason why the setting is currently disabled.

  • (#31998) Introduced a new step to the queue worker: when an inquiry that's on an improper status is selected for processing, queue worker will first check its status and will attempt to fix it.
    For example, if an inquiry points to a closed room, there's no point in processing, system will now remove the inquiry
    If an inquiry is already taken, the inquiry will be updated to reflect the new status and clean the queue.

    This prevents issues where the queue worker attempted to process an inquiry forever because it was in an improper state.

  • (#32056) Fix error during migration 304. Throwing Cannot read property 'finally' of undefined error.

  • (#31658) Fixes an issue where messages are not updating properly after pruning the room

  • (#31895) Fix users presence stuck as online after connecting using mobile apps

  • (#31833) Fix web UI not showing users presence updating to offline

  • Updated dependencies [b9ef630, 3eb4dd7, f0475cc, d1b1ffe, 0570f67, 939a6fa, 8b10c6c, b9e897a, b876e4e, 5ad65ff, f612d74, e203c40]:
    • @rocket.chat/core-typings@6.7.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/web-ui-registration@5.0.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/rest-typings@6.7.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/model-typings@0.3.7-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/i18n@0.2.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/core-services@0.3.11-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/message-parser@0.31.29-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/models@0.0.35-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/api-client@0.1.29-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/license@0.1.11-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/omnichannel-services@0.1.11-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/pdf-worker@0.0.35-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/presence@0.1.11-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/apps@0.0.2-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/cron@0.0.31-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/gazzodown@5.0.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/ui-contexts@5.0.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/base64@1.0.13
    • @rocket.chat/fuselage-ui-kit@5.0.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/instance-status@0.0.35-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/random@1.2.2
    • @rocket.chat/sha256@1.0.10
    • @rocket.chat/ui-composer@0.1.0
    • @rocket.chat/ui-kit@0.33.0
    • @rocket.chat/ui-video-conf@5.0.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/server-cloud-communication@0.0.2
    • @rocket.chat/ui-theming@0.1.2
    • @rocket.chat/ui-avatar@1.0.0-rc.0
    • @rocket.chat/ui-client@5.0.0-rc.0