OW2 Utility

The OW2 Utility project is an aggregation of modules providing code utilities (like XML parsing helpers, archive model abstraction, ...) that intents to be shared by anybody.

OW2 Utility has started its life as a complete separate project in the OW2 EasyBeans codebase. It has been designed to let multiple projects (EasyBeans, JOnAS, CMI to name a few) use theses modules without introducing some cyclic dependencies (a third party project, decoupled from JOnAS and co).

It aims to provide a place where OW2 developers (and others) may find or contribute reusable pieces of code. It already provides: annotation processor, an archive API, eventing support, file and URL utilities, a log API with internationalization, a marshaller/unmarshaller utility, a property substitution engine, ...

Every project of some size has some utility modules. The idea here is to centralize all OW2's utilities in one place.




Apache License 2.0

VCS repository(ies)

Project leader(s)

Guillaume Sauthier