
Lutece is a portal engine which allows you to easily create your websites or intranets based on HTML or XML content.

LUTECE is a java based CMS/Portal providing a very modular approach by its plugin architecture. It may also be used as a framework to build web application.




BSD with attribution




Releases / Downloads

VCS repository(ies)

Issue tracker URL

Discussion channels

Project leader(s)

Pierre Levy, Isabelle Lenain (City of Paris)



News feed


Professional support

Integrators :
- Teamnet


CAS CMIS JDBC JPA JSR 170 (Java Content Repository) JSR 286 (Java Portlet Specification) Java EE LDAP OAuth OpenID REST SAML SOAP

Market Readiness Synthesis

LUTECE was originally developed in 2001 by the City of Paris as a platform to facilitate the implementation of coherent websites and web services across its administrations and districts. It has grown to a mature extensible system with some 500 plug-ins. The core development team is comprised of 10-15 developers financially supported by the City of Paris. The situation could evolve as several major cities use or plan to use LUTECE such as Lyon, Marseille, Nice and Budapest.  

Market Readiness Level

Project Market Readiness Level computed by OW2.

More on the definition and computation of Market Readiness Levels here.

Best Practices Implementation

Coverage of best practices in open source software development implemented by the project.

More on best practices and how they are collected here.

Project Profile  

Computation of the project's profile through five key attributes defined by OW2.

More on how project attributes are commputed here.

MRL Assessment Diagram

This page lists the control points used in our assessment of the project's market readiness with their normalised values. It shows how they are combined to form the model. Please go to the methodology overview for more on the model and data collection.

Sources of Raw Data

Please use the links in this section for the raw data used in our MRL modeling.