Development, Operation, and Quality Assurance of Trustworthy Smart IoT Systems

The main objective of ENACT is to enable DevOps practices for the IoT. The ENACT DevOps Framework consist in a set of loosely coupled tools to support the development, operation and quality assurance of trustworthy smart IoT systems. 

The next generation of IoT systems will span across IoT, Edge and cloud, with local data analytics, decision making, and actuators involved. We denote them the Smart IoT Systems (SIS). Software plays a key role in such systems, and their increased complexity, the unpredictability of their environment, as well as the their requirements for trustworthiness, calls for fast and continuous reaction by the software teams in charge of their development and operation. Meanwhile, DevOps emerges as the de facto software development method for cloud system, allowing developers to continuously change the software and to directly place the changes into the production.  Despite the wide adoption of DevOps for cloud applications, there is no effective solution to enable DevOps for smart IoT systems. ENACT aims at providing the first experimental toolset for this purpose.

The ENACT framework consists of the following tools to support the different steps of DevOps for trustworthy SIS.
The ENACT continuous delivery toolset consists of the following tools:

  • The continuous risk management SaaS helps DevOps teams identifying the security and privacy risks during the development lifecycle of a SIS and track the effectiveness of the mitigation actions.
  • GeneSIS provides modelling languages and engines  to automatically deploy software modules onto cloud, Edge and IoT devices.
  • The Actuation Conflict detection and Management tool (ACM) automatically identifies the conflicts between actuators in a SIS, and deploy predefined modules to handle these conflicts.
  • The Test and Simulation tool provides a framework to simulate the behaviour of IoT devices for automatically testing the scalability, security and performance of a SIS.
    The ENACT agile operation toolset consists of the following tools:
  • The Online Learning Enabler (OLE) improves self-adaptability capabilities of a software module in a SIS by learning and tuning its adaptation policies.
  • The Behavioural Drift Analysis (BDA) tool identifies the difference between the actual behaviour of a SIS in its operational context and the designed one.
  • The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) identifies the root cause of system anomalies based on the observable status of the system parts
    The ENACT quality and trustworthiness assurance toolset consists of the following tools:
  • The S&P monitoring and control tools information detect the system anomalies by continuously monitoring security parameters and (ii) to enforce security and privacy.
  • The Context Aware Access Control tool manage dynamically the identity and access rights of users and devices, based on the context of the system at runtime.
  • The diversity-oriented fleet deployment tool (DivEnact) achieves the automatic deployment of software modules on large number of devices considering their contexts, aiming at the robustness and resilience of the whole fleet.

The project is funded by the EU H2020 project under Grant Agreement No. 780351

Important: ENACT is a set of related but independent projects. Currently only GeneSIS project has been accepted as an OW2 project.




Apache License 2.0


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Hui Song


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