LemonLDAP::NG 1.9.18 is out!
This is a minor release for LemonLDAP::NG 1.9 with some bugfixes and enhancements:
- [CLI] Possibility to configure categories and applications in menu with lemonldap-ng-cli
- [Manager] Fix category order
- [OpenID Connect] Make token_type value case insensitive
- [Manager] Deal with SMTP timeout when saving configuration
- [Handler] Apply vhost options to aliases
The full changelog can be seen here: https://gitlab.ow2.org/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng/milestones/58
Download: https://lemonldap-ng.org/download
They made this release:
- Community: Raphaël Hoareau, Chris A, Frédéric Massot
- Organizations: Gendarmerie Nationale, Worteks
- Core team: David Coutadeur, Xavier Guimard, Christophe Maudoux and Clément Oudot
If you use LemonLDAP::NG and enjoy it, please let us know:
- https://lemonldap-ng.org/references
- https://www.openhub.net/p/lemonldap-ng
- http://alternativeto.net/software/lemonldap-ng/
- https://comptoir-du-libre.org/softwares/view/101
- https://framalibre.org/content/lemonldapng
- http://twitter.com/lemonldapng
- http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/LemonldapNG/328254254936