The Open Source Analytics and Business Intelligence Suite

KNOWAGE is the new generation of open source analytical solution, as a natural evolution of the well known SpagoBI.

KNOWAGE answers to a more modern vision of the data analytics, providing advanced self-service capabilities that give autonomy to the end-user, now able to build his own analysis and explore his own data space, also combining data that come from big/cloud data sources. 

KNOWAGE is available on two versions:
• the community edition, with the whole set of analytical capabilities, is part of the software stack managed by OW2 as SpagoBI always did;
• the enterprise edition, provided and guaranteed directly from Engineering Group - the leading Italian software and services company, with a commercial offering and some facilities for the administrator.




GNU Affero General Public License v3.0



Releases / Downloads

VCS repository(ies)

Issue tracker URL

Discussion channels

Project leader(s)

Angelo Bernabei
David Zerbetto




Professional support

Professional case studies




Market Readiness Synthesis

KNOWAGE development started in 2005 under the SpagoBI brand name, it is a fully mature platform with flexible modular architecture that makes it highly suitable for integration into business solutions. KNOWAGE competes against suites specialized in data exploration, data mining and visualisation. Professional support is provided by KNOWAGE Labs and partners. A significant part of its sales depend on the business units of Engineering Group, the largest systems integrator in Italy; while this makes its  market visibility is not as high as one might expect, despite a substantial global customer base, its ensures the project’s long-term sustainability.

Market Readiness Level

Project Market Readiness Level computed by OW2.

More on the definition and computation of Market Readiness Levels here.

Best Practices Implementation

Coverage of best practices in open source software development implemented by the project.

More on best practices and how they are collected here.

Project Profile  

Computation of the project's profile through five key attributes defined by OW2.

More on how project attributes are commputed here.


MRL Assessment Diagram

This page lists the control points used in our assessment of the project's market readiness with their normalised values. It shows how they are combined to form the model. Please go to the methodology overview for more on the model and data collection.

Sources of Raw Data

Please use the links in this section for the raw data used in our MRL modeling.