FusionDirectory is an Identity Management Solution (IAM)
Nowadays, identity management is everywhere and is no longer reserved for a technical audience, FusionDirectory was born from this need to make everyday identity management easy.
FusionDirectory allows you to simplify and harmonize your identity management while focusing on security.
Thanks to its features dedicated to higher education and research, FusionDirectory is the only identity management software to support Supan 2009 and 2018, Partage by RENATER and Sinaps de l’Amue.
GNU General Public License v2.0 only
Releases / Downloads
VCS repository(ies)
Issue tracker URL
https://gitlab.fusiondirectory.org/fusiondirectory/fd/issues/new and https://gitlab.fusiondirectory.org/fusiondirectory/fd-plugins/issues
Discussion channels
#fusiondirectory on irc.freenode.net
Project leader(s)
Mortier Benoit, CEO FusionDirectory
- 2023/11/14 - FusionDirectory Marketplace
- 2023/11/07 - FusionDirectory 1.4 est sorti !
- 2023/10/09 - Et c’est parti pour le deuxième FusionDirectory Community Days : Direction Paris !
- 2022/11/03 - FusionDirectory 1.3.1 est sorti
- 2022/06/02 - La Marketplace de FusionDirectory
- 2021/04/06 - Benoit Mortier réélu au board de OW2
- 2020/09/08 - Faciliter la gestion des identités dans les universités avec la norme SupAnn
- 2020/07/20 - Le comptoir du libre
- 2020/07/06 - FusionDirectory référencé au SILL
- 2020/05/18 - IPAM, FreeRadius et interfaces réseaux
News feed
Professional support
FusionDirectory, editor, provides support, training, plugin development and complete implementations
Professional case studies
- Education: Irstea
- Education: Inalco
- Education: Tgir Huma-Num
- Infrastructure: Ecolo
- Infrastructure: Forum des images
OW2 submission
FusionDirectory’s development was launched in 2011. Today, with 50 plugins integrated around its core components, FusionDirectory is a well proven, extensible open source identity management system. The system is compliant with Supann the standard framework for the implementation of directories in the higher education and research sector which accounts for the software’s main user references. The project is supported by a small community and by a self-financed SME, also named FusionDirectory, based in Brussels, which offers a range of professional supports services.
Market Readiness Level
Project Market Readiness Level computed by OW2.
More on the definition and computation of Market Readiness Levels here.
Best Practices Implementation
Coverage of best practices in open source software development implemented by the project.
More on best practices and how they are collected here.
Project Profile
Computation of the project's profile through five key attributes defined by OW2.
More on how project attributes are commputed here.
MRL Assessment Diagram
This page lists the control points used in our assessment of the project's market readiness with their normalised values. It shows how they are combined to form the model. Please go to the methodology overview for more on the model and data collection.
Sources of Raw Data
Please use the links in this section for the raw data used in our MRL modeling.
The github is a read only copy of the official vcs
Market Readiness Synthesis