Market Readiness Level Rating, Market Capabilities Evaluation: CLIF

Open Source Project Market Capabilities

The market readiness level scoring of an open source project would not be complete without an assessment of its market capabilities. This is conducted through an expert interview with the project leaders based on a grid of 48 situations evaluated from a business perspective.

MKT-1Product EstablishmentStatus:  5: Platform, Sub-Project Generation
MKT-2Developers and CommunityStatus:  2: Active OSS project team
MKT-3Professional SupportStatus:  1: Help contact point identified (ML, issue tracker)
MKT-4User and Customer BaseStatus:  1: Early users, not customers
MKT-5Sales ActivityStatus:  0: No sales
MKT-6FInancial StabilityStatus:  2: Sponsored project, or professional early stage
MKT-7Market RecognitionStatus:  0: No market recognition