

  • #22 (OW2): When handling the same XACML Request twice in the same JVM with the root PolicySet using deny-unless-permit algorithm over a Policy returning simple Deny (no status/obligation/advice) and a Policy returning Permit/Deny with obligations/advice, the obligation is duplicated in the final result at the second time this situation occurs.
  • XACML StatusCode XML serialization/marshalling error when Missing Attribute info that is no valid anyURI is returned by PDP in a Indeterminate Result
  • Memory management issue: native RootPolicyProvider modules keeping a reference to static refPolicyProvider, even after policies have been resolved statically at initialization time, preventing garbage collection and memory saving.
  • Calls to Logger impacted negatively by autoboxing


  • 'functionSet' element no longer supported in PDP XML configuration schema


  • PDP XML configuration schema namespace: (previous namespace: See Removed section for non-backward-compatible changes to the schema.
  • Parent project version: authzforce-ce-parent: 3.4.0
  • Dependency version: authzforce-ce-core-pdp-api: 7.1.0: requires to pass new EnvironmentProperties parameter to AttributeProvider module factories for using global PDP environment properties (such as PDP configuration file's parent directory)
  • Interpretation of XACML Request flag ReturnPolicyId=true, considering a policy "applicable" if and only if the decision is not NotApplicable and if it is not a root policy, the same goes for the enclosing policy. See also the discussion on the xacml-comment mailing list:


  • New PDP configuration parameter: 'standardEnvAttributeSource' (enum) sets the source for the Standard Current Date/Time Environment Attribute values (current-date, current-time, current-dateTime), possible values: PDP_ONLY, REQUEST_ELSE_PDP, REQUEST_ONLY
  • New PDP configuration parameter: 'badRequestStatusDetailLevel': Level of detail in the StatusDetail returned in Indeterminate Results when the XACML Request syntax/content is invalid. Increasing this value usually helps better pinpoint the issue with the Request.
  • enum StandardFunction that enumerates all standard XACML function IDs
  • enum StandardEnvironmentAttribute that enumerates all XACML standard environment attribute identifiers
  • enum StandardCombiningAlgoritm that enumerates all standard XACML combining algorithms